January Is Crime Stoppers Month

January is Crime Stoppers month across Canada. This year’s theme is “Stand Up, Stand Together”, “Debout, Tous ensemble”.

Canadians must Stand Up, Stand Together for our nation’s values of inclusion, respect for cultural differences, equal rights and a commitment to social justice. We Stand Up, Stand Together for safe communities and the fight against criminal activity.

Crime Stoppers of Haldimand & Norfolk is proud of the results of tips received from our communities in 2022 as well as the cumulative statistics since our inception in 1988.

When you provide information to Crime Stoppers, you remain anonymous, will never be called upon to testify in court and may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.00

Crime Stoppers is a non-profit, volunteer run organization completely independent of government and law enforcement.  Crime Stoppers is run by an independent board of directors who all volunteer a great deal of time and effort to the organization.

In these challenging times Crime Stoppers will continue to provide awareness and education to assist in mobilizing Canadians to report suspicious or criminal activity anonymously making our communities safer.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those individuals and businesses who have supported our organization over the past 34 years.

Our volunteer Board of Directors continue to plan fundraising events such as our annual Protect your Identity shredding days and our annual golf tournament in August 2023.  Details will be posted here on the website, as well as our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer Board member can contact us at coordinators@helpsolvecrime.com or chair@helpsolvecrime.com

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