Crime Stoppers is made up of three main partners – the community, the media and the police. These partners form the “Crime Stoppers triad” and each of these partners plays a vital role in the development of the crime fighting program.
The Community
Crime Stoppers is a community-owned program which is governed by a civilian board of directors whose members come from across the Haldimand & Norfolk areas. This group of people oversee the general operation of Crime Stoppers and are also responsible for all fundraising for the program. The community at large is also vital to the Crime Stoppers triad by supporting the program through donations and by utilizing the program to report information on unsolved crime.
The Media
The media play a vital role in the Crime Stoppers program, not only by advertising unsolved crimes, but also by assisting with education and promotion of the crime fighting program in an attempt to make communities across our area safer for everyone. Television, radio and print media partners in the Haldimand & Norfolk areas do an outstanding job and have been recognized locally, provincially and internationally for the quality and dedication of their work. Media partners in this area are:
- Norfolk Hub
- Port Dover Maple Leaf
- SNAPD Haldimand Norfolk
- The Delhi News Record
- The Grand River Sachem
- The Haldimand Press
- The Lakeshore Shopper
- The Port Rowan Good News
- The Simcoe Reformer
The Police
Locally, the Ontario Provincial Police is the police service responsible for investigating the majority of anonymous tips that come in through Crime Stoppers of Haldimand & Norfolk. Two detachments are actively involved in this area – the Haldimand detachment and the Norfolk detachment – and through dedicated and committed investigators, have utilized Crime Stoppers tips to seize more than $45 million worth of illegal narcotics, recover over $5 million worth of stolen property and lay almost 7000 charges since the program’s inception in 1988.
Crime Stoppers also works with other investigative agencies such as the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry.